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General terms and conditions

ARTICLE 1 Applicability

  1. These terms and conditions apply to all agreements and offers originating from the contractor named below:
    Robert Tediek Keukens & Interieur B.V.
    Kruiswijk 28
    1761 AR Anna Paulowna
    KVK number: 84771259
    VAT number: NL863359942B01
  1. The other contracting party is referred to as the client.
  2. Under terms and conditions is meant these general terms and conditions of the contractor.
  3. Contract refers to the agreement between client and contractor. An assignment also means the contracting of a work.

ARTICLE 2 Quotations.

  1. All quotations are net, exclusive of sales tax, and are based on execution during normal working hours. A quotation shall be binding on the Contractor only if expressly stated in writing. A quotation that is binding on the Contractor under the provisions of this section shall expire after 30 days from the quotation date.
  2. If the Client provides the Contractor with data, drawings and so forth, the Contractor may assume their accuracy and completeness and shall base its offer on them.
  3. The Contractor shall be entitled to pass on to the Principal any increases in the prices of wages, raw materials, transport costs, exchange rates, insurance premiums and government charges (in particular taxes) in respect of the work to be performed and/or (parts of) facilities to be assembled that are yet to be performed and/or delivered by the Contractor at the time such increases take effect.
  4. Intermediate changes in material prices that arise more than three months after the contract is entered into may be passed on by the contractor to the client.
  5. The contractor reserves the right to make minor changes in construction, insofar as this does not substantially alter the work. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this article, the prices quoted shall be fixed for the duration of the work, unless indexation has been agreed upon. If indexation has been agreed upon, it shall be based on the price index figure, series for domestic production of the CBS, unless otherwise agreed upon.

ARTICLE 3 Intellectual property rights

  1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the contractor shall retain the copyrights and all other intellectual property rights to the designs, images, drawings, sketches and/or quotations provided by the contractor.
  2. Without the written agreement of the contractor, the drawings, designs, illustrations, sketches and/or quotations provided by the contractor may not be copied, shown to third parties or otherwise used.
  3. The drawings, designs, illustrations, sketches and/or quotations provided by the contractor shall be returned to the contractor immediately, if no order is awarded to the contractor.
  4. The client acting in violation of the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article shall owe a penalty of ten percent of the amount quoted. By payment of this penalty, ownership and copyright shall not pass.

ARTICLE 4 Order Confirmation.

  1. The agreement between the Contractor and the Client shall be confirmed by the Contractor as written confirmation, which will serve as complete proof. In addition to written signature of the offer, digital confirmation of the order also counts as full proof. This can be agreement by mail, digital signing of the order or any other way of digital confirmation of the order.
  2. Changes in the agreement and any deviation from these General Terms and Conditions will only be valid if agreed upon in writing between the contractor and the client.
  3. By accepting the contractor’s quotation, the client accepts the contractor’s terms and conditions.

ARTICLE 5 Extent of the work

  1. The Client must ensure that all permits, exemptions and other decisions that are necessary to perform the work are obtained in a timely manner. The Client shall be obliged to send the Contractor a copy of the aforementioned documents at the Contractor’s first request, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
  2. Only work described in the quotation is included in the price.
  3. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the price of the work does not include:
    a) The cost of earthwork, piling, cutting, breaking, foundation, masonry, carpentry, plastering, painting, wallpapering, repairs, or other construction work of any kind;
    b) The cost of connecting gas, water, electricity or other infrastructure facilities;
    c) The cost of preventing or reducing damage to items on or near the work;
    d) The cost of disposal of materials, construction materials or garbage.

ARTICLE 6 More and less work

  1. The work includes only the work specified on the quotation. Costs of additional work shall be borne entirely by the client.
  2. All changes in the contract shall be due when more costs arise as additional work and to the extent less costs arise as less work.
  3. Additional and less work, independent of the obligation to pay the principal sum, shall be settled in equity.
  4. Additional work will be charged based on hours worked and materials used.

ARTICLE 7 Additional unforeseen expenses

  1. The Contractor shall be entitled to pass on to the Client any additional unforeseen costs arising from a cause not attributable to the Contractor.
  2. Unforeseen costs exist if the costs have arisen more than three months after entering into the contracts and could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of entering into the contract.
  3. The Contractor is obliged to inform the Client of the unforeseen costs without delay.

ARTICLE 8 Performance of the work

  • Unless otherwise agreed by written agreement, under penalty of compensation for damages and costs, the client is obliged to ensure:
    a) that the place, where the items, materials and/or tools to be assembled need to be stored or where delivery is needed, is such that damage, in whatever form and by whatever means, or theft cannot take place;
    b) that access to the place, where the delivery and/or assembly must take place, is unobstructed and sufficient and further all cooperation is given to make a smooth delivery, assembly and/or finishing possible;
    c) that, if a hoist, elevator or other means of transportation be used, it shall be provided with controls by and for the account of the client. Any instrument which may be used must comply with the government regulations in force at the time of use. Damage thereby incurred shall be borne by the client, unless the contractor’s fault has been established;
    d) that (sub)floors are free of chalk, cement and dirt residue and loose parts, if necessary, unless otherwise agreed in writing, are completely flat and level and are made available in a clean sweep;
    e) that in the room, in which work is to be done, electricity, sufficient ventilation, water and if necessary heating is provided; Also, the installation, electrical and plumbing work required for installing the kitchen/interior work must be ready for delivery. These should be performed as shown in the installation drawing supplied by the Contractor.
    f) that, if others are also required to perform work in the space in question, those individuals and the contractor can perform their work unhindered when performed at the same time;
    g) That, in the case of remodeling and/or renewal of the interior, the premises will be closed to the public while the work is being performed.

ARTICLE 9 Delivery time

  1. The delivery period begins as soon as the contract is established and all data necessary for the commencement of performance of the work are in the possession of the contractor. The customer must inform the contractor in a timely manner of all data and choice provisions necessary for the progress of the work.
  2. The specified delivery deadlines are not to be regarded as deadlines. By the simple exceeding of this term, the contractor is therefore not in default by operation of law and the client cannot proceed to dissolve the agreement. The contractor must first be given notice of default for this purpose.
  3. If delivery is not possible due to the late preparation of the area where the work is planned to take place, the contractor shall be entitled to perform the work at a time to be determined by him.

ARTICLE 10 Risk & Storage

  1. Unless otherwise agreed with the Client is in writing, the risk of the items, materials and work performed will be transferred to the Client from the time they are delivered to the destination or from the time the work is started.
  2. If delivery cannot be made on time through circumstances beyond the contractor’s control, the goods shall be stored at the client’s expense and risk.
  3. If any term of payment is exceeded, the contractor shall be entitled to store the goods at the client’s expense and risk and to postpone the first delivery until all due installments shall have been paid.

ARTICLE 11 Holdership & quiet lien

  1. All items brought to or near the work shall remain the property of the Contractor until the Client has fully met his payment obligations, including those for additional work, extra costs and interim price increases.
  2. The goods will additionally be delivered encumbered with an undisclosed pledge in favor of the Contractor. The Client undertakes to cooperate with the legal establishment requirements of the silent lien, as soon as the Contractor, the Client requests it.
  3. These liens shall serve as additional security for the payment of all sums due to the Contractor from the Client on whatever account.
  4. Any intervention by third parties must be communicated immediately by the client. Costs and/or losses arising from failure to notify immediately shall be borne by the client.

ARTICLE 12 Payment

  1. Unless the parties agree otherwise in writing, the following payment arrangement shall apply:
    30% at order
    30% before starting all the work
    30% at the start of installation
    10% when installation is completed or commissioned before assembly is finished.
  2. Payments must be made within 10 days of invoice date
  3. On the fourth payment, the Client may retain 5% of the principal amount as security for the guarantee referred to in Article 16 paragraph 1 and for any minor points of completion. This withheld amount shall be due and payable as soon as the contractor shall have complied with the said guarantee obligation.
  4. If the execution of the order is delayed at the request of the client, or because the client fails to fulfill his obligations or does not enable the contractor to complete the work on time, or to perform the work required for that purpose, the contractor shall be entitled to demand payment of the instalments that have not yet been paid at the times at which these instalments would have become due and payable if the order had been executed normally. If, as a result of the delay, Contractor has to store completed goods, the Contractor will be entitled to charge storage costs.
  5. If client fails to pay at that time within 10 days of the due date, client will be in default without notice of default being required.
  6. From the due date, the client shall owe interest at 2% of the invoice amount for each month or part of a month by which the due date is exceeded.
  7. The Client is obliged by the simple conclusion of the agreement to pay the extrajudicial collection costs, including administration costs and the costs of legal assistance and advice prior to the proceedings. The extrajudicial costs amount to 15% of the principal amount plus interest, with a minimum of €115.00. The amount of the extrajudicial collection costs is a minimum of €40.
  8. The claim for payment is immediately due and payable when client defaults, or one of the parties has dissolved the agreement.

ARTICLE 13 Responsibility for the work

  1. The contractor shall be responsible for the proper performance of the work.
  2. The contractor accepts no responsibility for any design prepared by the client by a third party, including the specification of dimensions and materials given.
  3. In the case mentioned in paragraph 2, the contractor is only responsible for the correct assembly and guarantees for the quality of the materials. However, this shall not apply if a particular make or treatment of materials has been prescribed by the customer or by third parties.
  4. If responsibility for the design is transferred by the client to the contractor, this must be expressly agreed in written form.
  5. If the client makes materials or parts available for further processing or assembly, the contractor shall be responsible for proper processing and installation, but never for the materials or parts themselves.

ARTICLE 14 Limitation of liability

  1. Contractor’s liability for damages caused by defects in the deliverable shall be limited to the net invoice amount of the deliverable.
  2. The contractor is not liable for indirect damages including third-party damages or loss of profits.
  3. The contractor is not liable for damage related to (the unsoundness of) constructions or materials prescribed by the client, or material or share in the work supplied by the client or on his instructions by third parties.
  4. In the case referred to in paragraph 3, the client completely indemnifies the contractor against all claims for compensation for damage from the contractor’s employees and/or third parties, including damage from or resulting from product liability.

ARTICLE 15 Dissolution

  1. Indien de opdrachtgever niet, niet tijdig of niet behoorlijk voldoet aan verplichtingen, welke voor hem uit enige met opdrachtnemer gesloten overeenkomst voortvloeien, alsmede ingeval van faillissement of surseance van betaling van de opdrachtgever of bij stillegging of liquidatie van diens bedrijf wordt hij geacht van rechtswege in gebreke te zijn zonder dat daartoe een ingebrekestelling zal zijn vereist. Opdrachtnemer is dan gerechtigd de tussen haar en de opdrachtgever bestaande overeenkomsten voor zover deze nog niet zijn uitgevoerd zonder rechterlijke tussenkomst te ontbinden en van de opdrachtgever betaling te vorderen van de reeds verrichtte werkzaamheden en/of leveranties, alsmede vergoeding van schade, kosten en interesten, veroorzaakt door de wanprestaties van de opdrachtgever en de ontbinding van de overeenkomst, daaronder begrepen de door opdrachtnemer gederfde winst.
  2. In de gevallen, genoemd in lid 1, is iedere vordering, welke de opdrachtnemer ten laste van de opdrachtgever heeft, direct opeisbaar.

ARTICLE 16 Non-attributable default

  1. Onder een niet toerekenbare tekortkoming wordt verstaan omstandigheden die niet door opdrachtnemer te verwachten waren en die buiten zijn invloedssfeer liggen.
  2. Opdrachtnemer heeft het recht de nakoming van zijn verplichtingen op te schorten, als hij door een niet toerekenbare tekortkoming, tijdelijk is verhinderd zijn verplichtingen na te komen.
  3. Onder een niet toerekenbare tekortkoming wordt onder andere verstaan de omstandigheid dat leveranciers en /of onderaannemers van opdrachtnemer niet of niet tijdig voldoen aan hun verplichtingen, het weer, aardbevingen, brand, verlies of diefstal van gereedschappen, het verloren gaan van te verwerken materialen, wegblokkades, stakingen of werkonderbrekingen, uitval van personeel en import- of handelsbeperkingen.
  4. Opdrachtnemer is niet meer bevoegd tot opschorting als de tijdelijke onmogelijkheid tot nakoming meer dan zes maanden heeft geduurd. De overeenkomst kan pas na afloop van deze termijn en wel uitsluitend voor dat deel van de verplichtingen dat nog niet is nagekomen worden ontbonden. Partijen hebben in dat geval geen recht op vergoeding van de als gevolg van de ontbinding geleden of te lijden schade.

Article 9 Suspension and withdrawal

  1. Indien de opdrachtgever de uitvoering tijdelijk opschort dan wel geheel intrekt op grond van een niet aan de opdrachtnemer toe te rekenen oorzaak, is opdrachtnemer gerechtigd tot vergoeding van zijn schade.
  2. Indien de opdrachtgever de opdracht intrekt, is hij verplicht de door opdrachtnemer reeds aangeschafte materialen en grondstoffen, al dan niet be- of verwerkt tegen de kostprijs, inclusief lonen en sociale lasten, over te nemen.
  3. Opdrachtgever zal bij intrekking van de opdracht eveneens aan opdrachtnemer als schadeloosstelling verschuldigd zijn het bedrag van 1/3 van de overeengekomen prijs.
  4. Een partij die verplicht is het eerste te presteren, is bevoegd de nakoming van haar prestatie op te schorten als gegronde vrees bestaat dat de wederpartij haar verplichtingen niet, of niet tijdig zal nakomen.

ARTICLE 17 Guarantee

  1. Opdrachtnemer staat voor een periode van drie maanden na (op)levering in voor de goede uitvoering van de overeengekomen prestatie. Voor gebreken, welke naar hun aard pas na langere tijd kunnen worden ontdekt, geldt een garantietermijn van één jaar na de eerste oplevering.
  2. Opdrachtgever kan alleen een beroep doen op garantie nadat hij aan al zijn verplichtingen ten opzichte van opdrachtnemer heeft voldaan.
  3. Indien partiële oplevering van het werk plaatsvindt, beginnen de garantietermijnen te lopen bij de oplevering van deze gedeelten.
  4. Garantie geldt alleen bij normaal gebruik en alleen bij normale omstandigheden. Hieronder wordt onder meer verstaan: het zorgen voor voldoende vochtigheid in de atmosfeer, het niet blootstellen aan te grote vochtigheid of droogte, koude, hitte etc.
  5. Geen garantie geldt:
    a) Voor gebreken waaraan al door derden reparaties zijn verricht.
    b) Voor materialen en constructies die door opdrachtgever of derden zijn voorgeschreven.
    c) Voor glas, verkleuring van hout en voor ondergeschikte kleurafwijkingen van hout en andere materialen.
    d) Bij normale slijtage.
    e) Bij onoordeelkundig gebruik.
  6. Voor onderdelen van derden, zoals apparatuur, werkbladen etc. gelden de garantievoorwaarden van desbetreffende leverancier.
  7. Opdrachtnemer dient in staat te worden gesteld gebreken te controleren.
  8. Opdrachtnemer is niet verantwoordelijk voor gebreken die het gevolg zijn van het niet, niet tijdig of niet volledig aan opdrachtnemer verstrekken van informatie, welke de opdrachtgever verplicht is te verstrekken.

Article 18 General terms and conditions of contracting parties and/or third parties

  1. Opdrachtnemer aanvaardt alleen de toepasselijkheid van algemene voorwaarden van opdrachtgever als deze uitdrukkelijk en schriftelijk worden overeengekomen.
  2. Eventuele toepasselijkheid van de algemene voorwaarden van opdrachtgever laten echter de toepasselijkheid van de voorwaarden van opdrachtnemer onverlet.
  3. Algemene voorwaarden van opdrachtgever vinden alleen toepassing op de daarvoor bestemde opdracht.

ARTICLE 19 Advertising

  • Opdrachtgever kan op een gebrek in de uitvoering van de overeenkomst geen beroep meer doen als hij niet binnen 7 dagen nadat hij het gebrek heeft ontdekt of redelijkerwijs had behoren te ontdekken schriftelijk bij opdrachtnemer heeft gereclameerd, onder een duidelijke omschrijving van het geconstateerde gebrek.

ARTICLE 20 Disputes

  1. Op alle aanbiedingen, overeenkomsten en de uitvoering daarvan is uitsluitend Nederlands recht van toepassing.
  2. Alle geschillen zullen, voor zover zij de bevoegdheid van de kantonrechter te boven gaan, worden beslecht door de Rechtbank in het arrondissement waar de opdrachtnemer is gevestigd.